ArticleWhat is on the Appendix Victims of Domestic Abuse?

The UK Home Office is set to launch Appendix Victims of Domestic Abuse, effective from 31 January 2024. This new appendix will supersede the current provisions for victims of domestic abuse and their dependent children found in Part 8. Appendix FM, and Appendix Armed Forces of the Immigration Rules.

The major changes in the Appendix
  1. Entry clearance for overseas victims: The new Appendix will enable victims of domestic abuse, who have been abandoned overseas, and their dependents, to apply for entry clearance from outside the UK. This change is particularly significant and acknowledges the complexities of domestic abuse situations that span international borders.
  2. Settlement application fee waiver: A fee waiver will be available for both overseas and in-country settlement applications under this category. This initiative aims to reduce the financial barrier for victims seeking to regularise their status.
  3. Extended settlement application eligibility: The amendment extends settlement eligibility to individuals who were last granted permission as a partner under Appendix FM, Part 11, or Appendix Family Reunion (Protection) of a person with refugee status. This expansion widens the safety net for a greater number of domestic abuse victims.
  4. Focus on dependent children’s needs: Provisions for the dependent children of victims of domestic abuse are integrated into this new Appendix. This ensures that the entire family unit affected by domestic abuse receives appropriate support and protection.
  5. Application of consistent refusal grounds: The general grounds for refusal, as outlined in Part 9 of the Immigration Rules, will apply to the Victim of Domestic Abuse route. This standardization is part of the government’s effort to maintain a balanced and fair immigration system.

For those affected by these changes, understanding the implications and how they apply is crucial. As we move closer to the implementation date, staying informed about these amendments is vital for individuals impacted by domestic abuse. This change is a reminder of the evolving nature of immigration policies and the importance of staying informed in an ever-changing legal landscape.

Get in touch:  For a comprehensive understanding of your options or queries on UK immigration matters, reach out to GigaLegal at 02074067654 or click here to book a no-obligation consultation with an immigration expert.

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