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What BRP holders need to know about eVisas

The UK Home Office is ushering in a significant digital transformation in its immigration system, replacing the physical Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) with electronic visa (eVisas). This shift aligns with the UK’s digital strategy for immigration, aiming to streamline and modernise the way individuals prove their legal status in the UK. The Home Office has...

UK firms heavily fined for hiring illegal workers

In recent news reported by the BBC, two construction firms in the UK, FP McCann and Adana Construction, have been hit with substantial fines for employing illegal workers. This enforcement action by the Home Office highlights the growing concern over illegal working and its broader implications on society and the economy. The operation, executed in...

Key FAQs before the changes hit on 4 April 2024

The landscape of UK immigration is undergoing significant transformations, and some key changes are coming on 4 April 2024. The introduction of new rules and modifications to existing policies can be a maze of complexity for individuals and employers alike. From altered salary thresholds to revamped occupation lists, these changes are reshaping the way immigration...

Another hike in the UK immigration fees is coming soon (again)!

The landscape of UK immigration fees is undergoing significant changes in 2024, marked by a series of increases that will impact various applications, including passports and Appendix FM. This change, reflective of broader shifts in immigration policy, underscores the dynamic nature of immigration laws and the need for individuals and organisations to stay informed and...

Who is a “new entrant” in the UK?

The “new entrant” status in the UK Skilled Worker visa category is a crucial yet often overlooked facet. As the Home Office raises the general salary thresholds for Skilled Workers on 4 April 2024, this provision remains a valuable tool for businesses and individuals in the early stages of their careers in the UK. It...