ArticleUK work visa application fees 2024

Applying for a UK visa involves various costs, primarily determined by the type of visa and the applicant’s location. The Home Office charges fees for processing visa applications. It is crucial for applicants to understand these costs to plan effectively. The following is a breakdown of the work visa application fees 2024:

Work visa applications made outside the UK
Fee from 4 October 2023
Innovator Founder – main applicant and dependants £1,191
Endorsement fee under Innovator Founder route (payable to endorsing body) excluding VAT £1,000
Start-up – main applicant and dependants £435
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Global Talent £524
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is required £192
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is not required £716
Global Talentdependants only £716
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – dependants only £716
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – dependants only £1,191
Tier 1 (Investor) – main applicant and dependants £1,884
Skilled Worker, Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) duration 3 years or less – main applicant and dependants £719
Skilled Worker, Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) duration over 3 years – main applicant and dependants £1,420
Skilled WorkerShortage Occupation (CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £551
Skilled Worker Shortage Occupation (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £1,084
Skilled WorkerHealth and Care Visa (CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £284
Skilled WorkerHealth and Care Visa (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £551
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation Health and Care Visa (CoS duration 3 years or less)  – main applicant and dependants £284
Skilled Worker Shortage Occupation Health and Care Visa (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £551
T2 Minister of Religion – main applicant and dependants £719
International Sportsperson (CoS duration 12 months or less) – main applicant and dependants £298
International Sportsperson (CoS duration over 12 months) – main applicant and dependants £719
Temporary Work – Seasonal Worker, Religious Worker, Charity Worker, Creative Worker, International Agreement, Government Authorised Exchange and Youth Mobility Scheme – main applicant and dependants £298
Representative of an overseas business – main applicant and dependants £719
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – up to 3 years – main applicant and dependants £719
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – more than 3 years – main applicant and dependants £1,420
Global Business Mobility – Graduate Trainee – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – Service Supplier – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – UK Expansion Worker – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – Secondment Worker – main applicant and dependants £298
Scale-up – main applicant and dependants £822
High Potential Individual – main applicant and dependants £822
Work visa applications made in the UK
Fee from 4 October 2023
Innovator Founder – main applicant and dependants £1,486
Endorsement fee under Innovator Founder route (payable to endorsing body) excluding VAT £1,000
Start-up – main applicant and dependants £584
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Global Talent £524
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is required £192
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is not required £716
Global Talentdependants only £716
Graduate Route – main applicant and dependants £822
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – dependants only £716
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – main applicant and dependants £1,486
Tier 1 (Investor) – main applicant and dependants £1,884
Skilled Worker (CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £827
Skilled Worker (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £1,500
Skilled Worker, Shortage Occupation (CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £551
Skilled Worker, Shortage Occupation (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £1,084
Skilled WorkerHealth and Care Visa(CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £284
Skilled WorkerHealth and Care Visa(CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £551
Skilled WorkerShortage OccupationHealth and Care Visa (CoS duration 3 years or less) – main applicant and dependants £284
Skilled WorkerShortage OccupationHealth and Care Visa (CoS duration over 3 years) – main applicant and dependants £551
T2 Minister of Religion – main applicant and dependants £827
International Sportsperson (CoS duration 12 months or less) – main applicant and dependants £298
International Sportsperson (CoS duration over 12 months) – main applicant and dependants £827
Temporary Worker – Seasonal Worker, Religious Worker, Charity Worker, Creative Worker, International Agreement Worker, Government Authorised Exchange Worker and Youth Mobility Scheme – main applicant and dependants £298
Representative of an overseas business – main applicant and dependants £827
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – up to 3 years – main applicant and dependants £827
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – more than 3 years – main applicant and dependants £1,500
Global Business Mobility – Graduate Trainee – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – Service Supplier – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – UK Expansion Worker – main applicant and dependants £298
Global Business Mobility – Secondment Worker – main applicant and dependants £298
Scale-up – main applicant and dependants £822
High Potential Individual – main applicant and dependants £822

It’s important to note that the application fee is not the only cost incurred during the visa process. The Immigration Health Surcharge, a mandatory fee for accessing the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), is applicable to most visa categories and adds a significant amount to the total cost. This surcharge varies depending on the visa type and duration.

Given the complexity and variability of uk work visa fees, seeking professional guidance is highly recommended. Immigration experts can provide comprehensive advice on the full spectrum of costs associated with a Home Office application. They can help to ensure the applicants are fully aware of the financial commitments involved.

Get in touch:  For a comprehensive understanding of your options or queries on UK immigration matters, reach out to GigaLegal at 02074067654 or click here to book a no-obligation consultation with an immigration expert.