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Want to apply for a UK Family Visa?

When it comes to relocating to the UK with family members, understanding the family visa process is crucial. Family Reunion Visa UK allows individuals to live alongside their close relatives in the UK. Your trusted partner in UK immigration matters, GigaLegal, is positioned to assist you with these visa applications professionally. Who qualifies for the...

UK Visit Visa-refusal

Facing a UK visit visa refusal can be daunting. But, with clarity on the reasons behind such refusals and the right legal assistance even you can navigate this situation effectively. If you have recently encountered a refusal for your UK visit visa application, this article aims to guide you in understanding the potential causes and...

Tips for a successful immigration appeal in the UK

Facing the uncertainty of an immigration appeal can be a daunting experience. Whether you’re seeking to join your family, pursue higher education, or start a new life in the UK, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of the appeals process. To help you navigate this challenging terrain, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide filled with top...

Choose the right UK visa for you

When planning to visit or stay in the United Kingdom, understanding the various types of UK visas and determining which suits your needs is a crucial step in your journey. With a range of visa options available, choosing the one that aligns with your purpose for coming to the UK is important. In this article,...

Granting entry to the UK

Background: Abdoulie Jobe, from West Midlands, had traveled to Gambia and had lost his BRP card in the EU channel. He was not allowed to enter the UK and was stuck in transit for over 14 days in the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. Mr Jobe was struggling to get basic necessities from the French...