ArticleUK student visa application fees 2024

The UK student visa is designed for individuals who wish to study in the UK. The cost of applying for this visa category varies based on several factors including the type of visa, the duration of the course, and whether the application is made from within the UK or from another country. The following is a breakdown of the UK student visa application fees in 2024:

Student visa applications (outside of the UK)
Fee from 4 October 2023
Student – main applicant and dependants £490
Child Student £490
Short term student studying English language (duration: more than 6 months but not more than 11 months) £200
Student visa applications (inside the UK)
Fee from 4 October 2023
Student – main applicant and dependants £490
Child student £490

It is important to note that the application fee is not the only cost incurred during the visa process. The Immigration Health Surcharge, a mandatory fee for accessing the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), is applicable to most visa categories and adds a significant amount to the total cost. This surcharge varies depending on the visa type and duration.

Given the significance of the applications, seeking professional guidance is highly recommended. Immigration experts can provide comprehensive advice on the full spectrum of costs associated with a Home Office application. They can help to ensure the applicants are fully aware of the financial commitments involved.

Get in touch:  For a comprehensive understanding of your options or queries on UK immigration matters, reach out to GigaLegal at 02074067654 or click here to book a no-obligation consultation with an immigration expert.

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